Bruce Cranford Jr., P.E.,F AIChE; Retired U.S. Department of Energy Senior Engineer, gave a talk on “Rockets, Missiles and Space Vehicles; Non-atmospheric propulsion systems” on May 19th, 2021. The talk was presented via a WebEx Virtual Meeting.

Bruce Cranford Jr., P.E.,F AIChE is a Retired U.S. Department of Energy Senior Engineer who Published over 70 articles and 4 books on space, energy, and energetic materials. His key positions include Program manager for the U.S. Army Medical Bioengineering Laboratory, and Program manager, Air Launch Missiles U.S. Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head, Maryland. He is a Fellow Member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers and a licensed Professional Engineer for the State of Maryland. He was Past President of Maryland Society of Professional Engineers, Potomac Chapter.